Friday, December 5, 2008

It's A Sunstone Christmas!

This new necklace would make someone very happy this Christmas!! These are exceptional and rare sunstone rondell style faceted beads....they weigh 93 carats and are set with two 14k white gold diamond rondells weighing .40carats total....truly a one of a kind find!
Price: $1800.00

I have other fine quality sunstone beads in stock right now....quantities are and I can send photos to you!

ph: 541 633 6301

and Happy Holidays!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Juniper Ridge Opal Mine Dig! Aug. 31, 2008

Great day at the Juniper Ridge Fire Opal Mine in Southern Oregon! Carol Chaffee, John Proud and I found some very nice rough material....clean clear oranges to yellows and a few sought after REDS!! Mining this opal is quite a challenge....the opal is found in very hard rock! The goal is to remove the opal nodules without totally shattering them! It takes time and sweat equity to pull this off.
Check out the opal on the website along with a slide show of the mining area!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dust Devil Mine Oregon Sunstone AWESOME beads!

We've been busy highgrading some great looking schiller sunstone rough from the Dust Devil Mine and will have an ongoing supply of beautiful unique sunstone beads. Only in Oregon can you find these special gems with flashes of copper schiller! We've found that several bead styles display the schiller to its most coppery glow. I especially like the simple shaped and tumble polished beads (photo). These beads have a 1mm drill hole making them useful for wire work....they have a superb polish and finish and 'schillery' glow. We also stock rondells, briolettes and faceted free form flat facet nugget beads. Take a look at our website for new items added weekly. We keep some rough in the have new bead styles arriving monthly. The schiller beads combine perfectly with natural color Chinese freshwater pearls.....or mix them with 'chocolate' pearl colors for a fashion statement! From the Earth to the EXTRAORDINARY!.....Natural Oregon Sunstone!

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Olympic Torch....Crafted in Oregon Sunstone!

We have a unique piece of gemstone art carved by award-winning artist, Dalan Hargrave. This is the perfect "Torch Flame for the 2008 Olympics"! The 'flame' is a very clean clear AA Red Dust Devil Mine Oregon Sunstone. The torch is crafted of natural 'King's quality' lapis lazuli from Afghanistan. This is destined to be a great brooch or lapel pin! Dust Devil Mining Company has made it a goal to have some of their very best Sunstone gem rough in the hands of talented gemstone artisans. Take a look at our website to view more unique gemstone art pieces.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

NEW! Juniper Ridge Oregon Fire Opal Roundels!

We've just received a gorgeous small lot of Juniper Ridge Fire Opal beads! The beads are cut in a roundel style and weigh approximately 150 carats per strand. There are an average of 96 beads per strand and these are FACETING QUALITY! The colors are clean clear citrus....downright juicy! By having the beads cut in matching size and shape, they will be useful in a variety of styles....take the strands apart and make earrings or add as details to other jewelry designs. The beads are drilled with 1mm holes making them easy to use with wire. These are priced at $4.35 per carat. I think the price is a bargain for RARE clean clear and natural fire opal! Obviously I REALLY LIKE THESE BEADS! It is such a pleasure to unwrap a cutting order that comes out just right!

Friday, March 14, 2008

New Jewels...

Tucson Gem Show has come and gone....time goes by way too fast! This was a banner Tucson year for Oregon Sunstone! Our beads and gems have flown now to Europe and to Japan (where I'm told that SUNSTONE is HOT!).

We currently have more cutting in the works of choice schiller to light red Dust Devil Mine Sunstone. In the coming weeks, I'll be posting new photos of precision faceted briolettes, tumble polished copper schiller beads and beautiful delicate rondelle style faceted beads with lots of flash.

There will be a new article on Oregon Sunstone specifically in the May/June issue of Colored Stone Magazine.

The Dust Devil Mine will be reopen for fee digs in Mid-April and you are invited to come and try your luck. Just be sure to keep an eye on the weather patterns in Spring....very wet roads out at the mining area can be treacherous!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Tucson Gem Show

The Tucson Gem Show is coming fast! Exotic Gemstones, featuring fine sunstone exclusively from Dust Devil Mining Company, will again be found in the Designer Pavilion of the AGTA (American Gem Trade Association) show. This is in the Tucson Convention Center.
See us at booth #3400
Dates: Feb. 6-10th.

What's New? Think RED! I've designed unique one of a kind fine jewelry pieces using some of the finest BIG RED sunstones that the Dust Devils have to offer. These gems are so unique that we've opted to design and manufacture more one of a kind designs to show off the unique aspects of Oregon sunstone.

We've also had some stunning Dust Devil Mine schiller sunstone beads created....blinding flashes of intense copper schiller....a true treat for the eyes.

Come by and have a peek at Tucson! Only the finest natural gemstones....only from Oregon!

See you there!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year 2008 !

Wow....another fabulous year of romancing the Oregon Sunstone has flown by! Mikenzie (daughter of Jack Peters) has just received her first sunstone bracelet....and is she ever happy! Sunstone is especially gorgeous on redheads!

Busy getting the new website up and running......soon our Oregon Sunstone will reach new heights.....announcement coming soon!

Enjoy the new special year....2008 is set to be the year of the Oregon Gemstone renaissance!

Karla Proud